Legal profession
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Koen has a background as a professional photographer with an eye for detail. Furthermore he teaches photography in the training center recognised by the department of home affairs. Footage is often a crucial part of the burden of proof included in the final repport. Koen has ample experience in assigments for individuals and guarantees a high quality of service and taking the time for your story.

Joeri has a Master of Science in Criminological Sciences and years of experience with corporate files, tracking down lease cars and construction material. He possesses a unique criminological expertise and was interviewed about being a private investigator by the University of Ghent. He is familiar with Belgian criminal law and knows how the criminal justice system operates.

Lien has a Master of Science in Criminological Sciences and a Bachelor's degree in applied (clinical) psychology. He obtained legal experience in a law firm that specialises in labor law and social law. She has experience with tracking down lease cars and construction material, assigments for individuals and background checks.